Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Off to look at Christmas lights

Last week Justin, Courtney and I took Emerson to look at Christmas lights. Well I guess it really was for us since she can't see much from her car seat :) We played Christmas carols and must say we were all disappointed in the light displays this year. It was still fun and good to spend time together which is what the holidays are about.

We wore our Christmas pajamas on the ride since it was close to our bedtime

3 months

I apologize for the hiatus but sweet little Emerson keeps me quite busy :) I can't believe she is 3 months already. She is smiling all the time which melts your heart. Justin and I heard her laugh (we think) one afternoon but have not heard it since. She has started to squeal a lot like little girls do. Emerson loves to play on her gym and will do so for an hour which amazes me at this age. She also loves listening to music. Santa is coming this week and we can't wait. My parents are coming tomorrow and we are very excited to spend the holidays with them. We are so blessed and very thankful for the time we get to spend together.

My mom made her outfit and bow...isn't it adorable

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

2 months old

We go to the Dr. tomorrow for our 2 month check up and vaccinations. Wish us luck! I can't wait to see how much see weighs and we pray for a healthy report.

Happy Halloween!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Below is Emerson's one month old picture. I am going to take the same picture in her chair each month to see how much she changes as she grows. Also below is my one month old picture to compare. Justin and I feel so fortunate to be given this amazing gift and are so thankful God has blessed us with a happy healthy baby girl. Enjoy!


Miss E had her first photo shoot on her 2 week old birthday. Below are some pictures from that shoot. We did all of the pictures in our home primarily in her nursery and it took almost 4 hours. She was a trooper with only a few meltdowns and one diaper mishap in her crib right before we could get the shot. Emerson was exhausted after the shoot and slept like a champ that night. We had many outfit changes to the sweet baby but I know she will cherish these photos one day when she is older. We have ordered our favorites in 16x20 for our home to cherish forever.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

12 days apart...

Below is a picture of Emerson and her friend Blake Locker. Meredith and I have been great friends since college and she had Blake 12 days before Emerson arrived. He was over 10 lbs. but not too bad considering her daughter Ella Grace was born over 11 lbs. 2 years ago.

Looks like...Mom or Dad???

It may be hard to tell with this picture since she is so swollen after me pushing for 3.5 hours! All of the other pictures we have from the hospital her eyes are closed but I have still added for fun! Justin was born at the same hospital 31 years ago and this is my newspaper clipping from 32 years ago. What do you think?????

Emerson after her first bath a few hours after arrival
(less swelling here)

This is the day we went home (3 days old )

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Miss Emerson 1 week old

I can't believe she is 1 week old today. My mom and I just played dress up with her and she handled the paparazzi well!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Emerson comes home

The nurses were amazing but we were so ready to get home after a 4 night stay in the hospital as you can imagine. We are adjusting to time at home with very little sleep but are so happy to be given such a blessing. My mom is here and without her I'm not sure how we would be coping. She is doing laundry, cleaning, cooking and helping take care of Emerson. I am just trying to rest and recover in between feedings every 2-3 hours. Emerson has jaundice so we are working on getting that cured but with the amount of dirty diapers she produces it should be gone in record time.
Getting ready to drive home

Justin holding her before we load up to leaveThe drive home...she slept the entire way

Justin and Emerson trying to catch up on sleep before the cowboy game Sunday night

Miss E arrives...3 weeks early

Justin and I went to our doctor appointment last Tuesday for our 37 week check-up and to our surprise we were sent to the hospital immediately. Of course we worked very hard on having our bags packed and ready the weekend before but did we put them in the car....uh NO! We have an 1.5 hour drive to Abilene to our doctor and hospital. I had high blood pressure which I have never had before so the doctor decided to induce us Thursday morning September 17th for the safety of the baby and me. It was a long labor of almost 12 hours and we almost had to have a c-section after pushing for 3.25 hours but finally she arrived on her time of course!Justin cutting the cord with me taking the picture...my mom was a little flustered to say the leastMy mom holding Emerson moments after birth with eyes wide open

Me holding Emerson for the first time...AMAZING!

Miss E after her first bath

Emerson Chase Jones

September 17, 2009

6.7 lbs

18.5 inches

6:12 pm

Monday, September 7, 2009

Ziggy's room

I left the nursery the other day for 10 minutes maximum and when I returned this is what I found. Ziggy thinks this room is for him...boy will he be surprised in early October!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Project Nursery

My mom and Justin have been working on the nursery for months. I have been trying to be helpful but they won't let me near a paintbrush because I am such a disaster. My mom just left from a final visit this morning and won't be back until Miss E arrives. We are so thankful for all of her help! As you all know she is the most talented decorator and I can't wait to share with you this amazing nursery she has made for this very lucky girl! All of you that know me know that you are about to experience a PINK explosion as Melissa would say...

Before the painting begins...

I see PINK!!!

Phase II of painting...the damask with a little bling

The crib arrives!!! This was a gift from my Mom and could it be any cuter???

Let me answer that...NO!The chair that I will spend many hours rocking Emerson in was a gift from my grandmother Meme. It is so comfortable I think I will be sleeping in it many nights :)
The dresser Justin spent many hours on...sanding, painting, and adding legs

(not to shabby for a garage sale find...thanks Meredith)

A good shot of the crib, chair, and window treatments

The bumper pad with her monogram...DUH!
Also the AMAZING flowers on the dust ruffle were handmade by my Mom!

Justin and I are so blessed to have such great family and friends that continue to support us as we prepare for her arrival. Baby Emerson is so lucky to be surrounded by such great love and support. We have less than 5 weeks (we hope) and can't wait for her to get here. We would love for her to arrive on my grandmothers birthday September 27th but we know she will come when she is good and ready.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Baby Shower #1

Justin and I had our first baby shower in Brownwood August 1st hosted by Chad and Meredith Locker, Chance and Leslie Barr, and Courtney (Justin's little sister and future Aggie). I thought I would throw that in because she usually doesn't go a day without one of us harassing her about entering the cult. Hey it's all in good humor...we are very proud of her accomplishments. Now back to us and baby Emerson :)

The hosts sans significant others...Courtney, Leslie, Me and Meredith

The theme of the shower was butterflies and for all of you that know Meredith i.e. Martha Stewart you won't be surprised that she went above and beyond. We are so blessed to have such good friends here in Brownwood and will be picking their brains for baby advice very shortly.

The cupcakes pink and white of course with handcut butterflies

Courtney made these amazing tissue balls for the decor by hand

These were words of wisdom for the guests to give to us

Leslie holding 2 month old Jensen and Ella looking on
trying to wrap her mind around the fact her baby brother will be here shortly

Merdith and I belly to belly as she called our babies wombmates :)

The shower was a success and as the night ended there was a double rainbow outside that we named Emerson's rainbow. Another of God's wonderful blessings a rare and beautiful sight to see.