Monday, January 18, 2010

4 months old

We go to the doctor Thursday for our immunizations and 4 month check-up so please say a prayer for us. I'm not sure who the shots hurt worse us or Emerson. Our sweet angel is feeding two times at night so her routine is usually bed at 7:00, eat at 1:00 and 5:00 then up for the day by 7:00. We think she is very close to dropping a feeding but we are still very thankful to be getting much more sleep than life with a 1 month old. Justin does one feeding and I do the other. Justin really cherishes these feedings with her because with working so much he doesn't get a lot of daddy/daughter alone time. Emerson's personality is growing each day before our eyes. She is smiling, laughing, talking really loud and cooing all the time. I can't believe it has been 4 months already and I know it will be a year before we know it. We are truly thankful for each day we get to see her grow before our eyes and thank God every night for blessing us with such an amazing gift.

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